Who Is Your Travel Companion?

For the last 18 months or so, I have felt lost. Like I’m wandering aimlessly, not really knowing where I’m going. I’m traveling a road I don’t want to travel….a road that is leading me through a place I don’t know and I am not comfortable with; unfamiliar territory that is often lonely and frightening. And the really hard part is this: I don’t even know where this road is taking me. I don’t know the purpose in taking this road, this journey. Do you ever feel that way? Like you’re on a road that you aren’t comfortable being on, but there’s no way to turn around and take another way? The only way to wherever you’re going is down this frightening, lonely, frustrating road. We all find ourselves on these roads at times in our lives. Maybe you’re like me, and the death of your spouse has put you on this road. Maybe it’s the death of a parent, or child. Maybe it’s a failed marriage or relationship that has you on this lonely road; or maybe the lack of a marriage or relationship. It could be difficult financial situations that has you on a road filled with hardship and frustration, or a physical condition that has put you there. Our lives are made of up many of these difficult, scary, lonely roads. I believe that the only way to get safely to the end of these roads is to travel with a companion. That companion’s name is Faith. Faith to know that there is a purpose, there is a reason, there is an end. Faith to know that we are not alone and that Christ has already gone down this road ahead of us to prepare the way. Faith to know that even though the whole world may seem like it’s against us, He is for us. Faith to know that everything that happens to us is for our good and His glory. Now, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I didn’t say that our companion’s name is Understanding. Because I don’t understand the purpose or reason for being on this road. Nor do I understand how traveling this road can be for my good. What I did say is that our companion’s name is Faith. Faith to believe all these things, even when I don’t understand them. Faith to believe that even if I never fully realize the purpose of my journey this side of Heaven, one day I will understand. I was reminded of this in my time with the Lord this morning. I was reading Hebrews 11….often referred to as the “Hall of Faith”. I was reminded of how Abraham was called to travel a road that he knew nothing about and to go, not knowing where he was going. God called him to leave all that he knew and was familiar with. It wasn’t an easy road for Abraham…it was a long, difficult journey. But, Abraham was blessed for his faithfulness. I feel just like that. I’ve been called to leave a place that I never wanted to leave, a place that I loved and was comfortable with and secure in, to go to a place that I know nothing about. But just like Abraham, I am choosing to take Faith as my companion, trusting that the Lord is leading me into the land of promise! I pray that if you are one of the many who are on a road you’d rather not be on and you don’t even know where you’re going, that you will also choose to take Faith as your companion! By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise. Hebrews 11:8-9 Trusting His Plan, Sandra

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kathleen
    Jun 03, 2015 @ 10:42:58

    Sandra, I wish your book ws written and I could give a copy to our friend in Seattle. He is where you are and have been, as he begins life without his beloved Sue. I am going to send him what you wrote today, because you truly know where he is and is headed. Thanks.



  2. kddmyers
    Jun 03, 2015 @ 12:05:35

    Thank you for this today, Sandra. I read it at the moment I needed to hear it.
    Praying for you still, as you travel the unknown road.



  3. Cheri Smith
    Jun 03, 2015 @ 12:37:37

    Thank u so much Sandra. Really needed this today.



  4. Sonya
    Jun 03, 2015 @ 13:09:42

    Thank you for sharing your heart! Continuing to pray for you. Love you! 🙏😊



  5. Amanda Kurz
    Jun 03, 2015 @ 17:58:40

    So beautiful and so true.



  6. Bethany Johnson
    Jun 04, 2015 @ 07:06:39

    Thank you! We are on a bit of a faith journey, and I appreciate the words of truth you faithfully share.


    Bethany Johnson Sent from my iPhone




  7. pattileigh3
    Jun 17, 2015 @ 13:04:27

    Really ???? Peace??



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